Sunday, December 05, 2010

A Message of Love

Little Star wants the older, bigger stars to see him, talk to him, realize he exists. They aren't mean to him; they simply ignore him, which is much worse.

The stars begin to speak of a rumor that a king would soon be born. When the baby arrives, he is born in a stable to poor, young parents. The older stars don't believe this could be the King, so they ignore him, too.

Little Star sees that Jesus is the King and chose to come as a baby of meager means. His heart fills with joy and his light burns bright enough to shine down on the stable in Bethlehem.

This sweet story has a good message: sacrifices big and small are rewarded in Heaven.

The illustrations are nice (my young children liked them), and the story flows well. I know I will remember Little Star when I decorate my tree with a star topper this year, and that will help me to also remember the true meaning of Christmas.

A gem of a story that packs a lot of meaning and truth into a small children's book!

I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group for this review.  Do you Blog for Books?

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