Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Hunter won two blue ribbons, one red ribbon, and one white ribbon at the county fair! He was excited and proud to show his winning entries to his grandparents (he even showed a few strangers!). We are going to try to do some things a lot earlier for next year (but I'm not promising anything). Am I raising a procrastinator by being one? Probably, but I'll work on that tomorrow... .

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I made a pillowcase dress for the girls thinking it would be a quick, cool(as in weather) dress for them to wear. One of them unties it in about 5 seconds, and the other one cries when I put it on her because she doesn't like how it fits (I guess). I got some pictures of Harper wearing it (Hadley just cried when she had it on). I don't think I'll make any more for the time being seeing as how it was not a big success story. It was cute though!

Thursday, August 13, 2009

I forgot I took some pictures of the girls in their wrap dresses I made earlier this summer. The dresses were size 2, and I thought they looked small--until I put them on the girls! They are too big and will have to wait until next spring/summer to become a part of the daily wardrobe. I again discovered it's extremely difficult to make a 1 1/2 year-old hold still for a picture!

Hunter finished his first day of kindergarten and is in the middle of his second. He loved school, and his comment was, "Mom, we had three recesses and nap time!" It's so nice to see him smiling out the door instead of leaving him crying every day (like it was at three-year-old preschool). He's growing up, and I'm so proud of the boy he has already become!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Hunter and I have been working hard on fair entries for the county fair (entries are due tomorrow). He's made two painted rocks (a ladybug and a "mystery" creature) and a sand art picture of Brobee from Yo Gabba Gabba. He starts kindergarten on Wednesday...where have the years gone?

Saturday, August 01, 2009

On a lighter note, here's a video shot a couple of days ago. Hadley is checking Harper for poop--down her shirt! They are starting to talk and make a lot more sense. So funny and so darling!